How WAIV’s Boat Rental GPS Tracking System Transformed EB Rental’s Fleet Operations
Managing a boat rental fleet requires balancing safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
For EB Rentals, based in scenic Newport Beach, California, these challenges were amplified by their growing fleet of 24 electric boats.
Understanding Waterproof Ratings for Marine and Boating Electronics
A boat rental fleet is a huge investment. Therefore you need to maximize your investment by properly maintaining your vessels. Dig into these five tips, and learn how to make your rental fleet last longer.
5 Tips to Make Your Rental Fleet Last Longer
A boat rental fleet is a huge investment. Therefore you need to maximize your investment by properly maintaining your vessels. Dig into these five tips, and learn how to make your rental fleet last longer.
How to hide a GPS tracker on your boat
We live in a world of quickly evolving surveillance and counter-surveillance technologies.
In this post we are looking into what options you have to hide a GPS tracker on a boat.
Cue the James Bond theme and let’s get started.
5 Must-Haves Boat Rental Operators Need for Inexperienced Boat Renters
In 2020, the world as we knew it came to a halt. This thing called Covid took over the world. Everyone had to quarantine. Businesses had nonessential employees work from home. Children went to school on their computers. People felt trapped and bored. They couldn’t hang out with friends and co-workers. This hurt boaters who […]
33 Months of Un-Interrupted Service
On May 25, 2018, we launched the WAIV GPS Fleet Tracking service with our very first customer, Hot Tub Cruisin’, Today we celebrate 33 months of uninterrupted service.
Independence. Delivered. Happy 4th of July!
I wanted to share some photos of one of our newest customers, San Diego Bay Adventures. They have dressed all their jet-skis in beautiful stars and stripes colors – very appropriate for Independence day. If you visit San Diego, what better way to tour the San Diego bay and take a closer look at the […]